Professor Lee's research involves studies of novel electronic and magnetic materials in single crystalline form. The goal is to understand the properties of correlated electron systems and quantum spin systems, with an eye towards discovering new materials or new physical phenomena. A major shortcoming in the present knowledge of solid state physics is the inability to describe the properties of systems composed of many quantum particles that strongly interact with each other. The delicate interplay between the constituents of these correlated electron systems (involving the magnetic, charge, orbital, and lattice degrees of freedom) leads to a variety of exotic phases, such as high-Tc superconductivity and colossal magneto-resistance.
12/2024 Dr. Che-Min Lin joins our group as a postdoctoral fellow. Welcome!
10/2024 Dr. Wei He joins our group as an associate staff scientist. Welcome back!
07/2024 Our recent work on high-temperature superconductivity is highlighted by DOE!
05/2022 Graduate student Arthur Campello joins the group. Welcome!